The following are publications Dr. Wright authored or co-authored during his years as an Equine Specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF). The factsheets indicated with "NEW" have recently been updated by Dr. Wright, Consultant - Equine Industry and Disease Prevention. The "unlinked" titles are currently being revised by Dr. Wright and will be posted in the near future.
Anatomy and Physiology
Equine Digestive Tract Structure and Function (OMAF)
The Visual World of the Horse
Body Condition
Breeding and Reproduction
Care and Handling
Code of Practice for Horses (National Farm Animal Care Council)
Feeding and Nutrition
Hay For Horses (OMAF)
Managing Horse Pastures (OMAF)
Round Bale Feeder for Horses (OMAF)
Using and Feeding Round Bales to Horses
Water Quality for Horses Understanding Bacterial Counts (OMAF)
Helpful Hints for Horse Enthusiasts
Selecting Your Horse
The Age of a Horse
The "Hand" Measurement
Economic Impact of the Horse Industry in Ontario
The History of Horse Brasses
Parts of Light Harness for Horses
Health and Biosecurity
Cryptorchidism in the Horse (OMAF)
Sunburn, Photosensitivity or Contact Dematitis in Horses NEW
Wobbler Syndrome or Cervical Vertebral Stenotic Myelopathy (OMAF)
Equine Viral Encephalitis
Influenza in Horses (OMAF)
Neurological Diseases (OMAF)
Potomac Horse Fever (OMAF)
Rabies and Horses (OMAF)
Strangles in Horses (OMAF)
Tetanus in Horses (OMAF)
West Nile Virus (OMAF)
Disease Control, Biosecurity, and Disease Surveillance:
Biosecurity for Horse Owners – Information Sheet (Equine Guelph)
Deadstock Disposal (OMAF)
Equine Guelph - Biosecurity Risk Calculator (University of Guelph)
Euthanasia of Horses (OMAF)
Horse Disease Surveillance (OMAF)
Horse Disease Surveillance - Spring 2002
Horse Disease Surveillance Report, Fall 1999
Preventing Disease Spread - Personal Hygiene and Disinfectants Around Horse Barns (OMAF)
Rapid and Unexpected Death in Horses: Part A - Toxins (OMAF)
Deworming Programs for Horses: Are we Doing More Harm Than Good? (LA Veterinary Rounds)
Lice on Horses (OMAF)
Leg Mange Mites NEW
Poisonous Plants:
Link to Canadian Poisonous Plant Database (CBIF)
Mushrooms and Fungi - Are They a Concern for Horses? NEW June 2013
Toxicity of Equisetum to Horses (OMAF)
Weeds Gallery (OMAF)
Protocol for the Management of Rabies in Horses (Biosecurity and Horse Health Committee)
Protocol for the Management of Strangles in Horses (Biosecurity and Horse Health Committee)
Protocol for the Management of West Nile Virus in Horses (Biosecurity and Horse Health Committee)
Controlling Mosquitoes on Horse Farms and Rural Properties (OMAF)
Environment (OMAF)
Evaluating Performance of Several Horse Beddings (OMAFRA)
Fence Line Horse Feeder for Grain and Minerals
Fencing of Watercourses to Control Erosion
Horse Barn Ventilation (OMAF)
Horse Housing
How Many Nutrient Units Do I Have? Equine Operations (OMAF)
Management of Mud and Holes around Gateways and High Density Areas
Manure Storages for Small- to Medium-Size Horse Farms (OMAF)
Round-Bale Feeder for Horses (OMAF)
Horses: Dealing with Ice, No Water, and Frozen Ground
The Use of Insecticide-Impregnated Cattle Ear Tags on the Halters of Horses (OMAF)
Trees For Horse Pastures (OMAF)
"V" Hay and Grain Feeder for Three Horses
Water Quality for Horses - Understanding Bacterial Counts (OMAF)
Waterlines, Water Bowls, and Dealing with Winter
Canada Plan Service:
Open End Pole Barn CPS M-8161 (pdf version 72 kb)
Open Front Shed CPS M-8162 (pdf version 70 kb)
Open-Front, Clear-Span Pole Barn CPS 8163
Barn for Riding Horses CPS 8201
Barn for Riding Horses 6 or 10 box stalls CPS 8202
Two Storey Horse Barn - Gambriel Roof CPS 8315
Roof Truss Erecting and Bracing CPS 9102
Insulated Pole Frame Walls CPS 9314
Insulated Stud Frame Walls CPS 9324
Sliding Doors CPS M-9341
Farm Gate CPS M-8364
Page Wire Fencing CPS M-8365
Windbreak Fences CPS M-8368
Does Your Riding Helmet Fit?
Horse Safety: Saddling, Bridling & Riding Western
Safety For Hunt Seat Riders
Transportation, Animal Welfare, and Handling
Horse Trailering (OMAF)
Recommended Code of Practice for Care and Handling of Farm Animals - Transportation (National Farm Animal Care Council)
Decision Making Framework for Livestock Border Closures (OMAF)
Recommended Basic Livestock Handling Safety Tips for Workers
USDA AMS Transportation & Marketing Livestock Transportation Program
USDA: Information Resources for Livestock and Poultry Handling and Transport
Recommended Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Livestock - Transportation (Provides link to Codes of Practice of all livestock)
Trailering Problems in Horses (University of Saskatchewan)