Peer reviewed publications, abstracts, and papers at conferences (chronological order – most recent to oldest)
1. Wright RG. How to investigate potential poisonings with horses. Proceedings of the 53rd American Assoc. of Equine Practitioners 2007:547-553.
2. Wright RG. Chronic wasting disease update. Proceedings of the 23rd New Zealand Veterinary Association’s Deer Course for Veterinarians 2007:36-40.
3. Wright RG. Chronic wasting disease surveillance. Proceedings of the Ont. Veterinary Medical Assoc. Conference 2007:396-401.
4. Wright RG. Body condition scoring, weight estimation and nutrition of horses. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Ont. Assoc. of Veterinary Technicians Conference 2007.
5. Wright RG. The equine practitioner’s guide to poisonings, common poisonous plants and trees. Proceedings of the Ont. Veterinary Medical Assoc. Conference 2005:271-278.
6. Wright RG. Chronic wasting disease update. Proceedings of the Ont. Veterinary Medical Assoc. Conference 2005:295-299.
7. Wright RG. Molds, mycotoxins and their effect on horses. Proceedings of the Ont. Veterinary Medical Assoc. Conference 2005:272-279.
8. Hazlett M, Wright RG, Dingwell G. Possible alsike clover toxicosis in a group of horses. Animal Health Laboratory Newsletter 2005; 9(1):7.
9. Wright RG, Ireland MJ. Case Report: Alsike clover poisoning, an old but should not be forgotten problem. Proceedings of the 18th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium 2003:236-237.
10. Wright B, Brendemuehl J, Kenney D, Hearn P, Ryan P, Gardner J, Van Dreumel T. Profiling pregnancy and parturition parameters in mares exposed to ergot alkaloid and fusarium mycotoxin contaminated forage: a field trial in Ontario. Proceedings of the 18th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium 2003:260-261.
11. Wright RG, Boyce B, Van Dreumel T, Hazlett MJ, Cross DL, Ergot alkaloid toxicity in foaling mares associated with eating cereal rye straw. Proceedings of the 17th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium 2001:312-313.
12. Wright RG. Helpful hints for horse owners, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Ont. Assoc. of Veterinary Technicians Conference 2000:22-25.
13. McEwen B, Van Dreumel T, Wright RG, Equine abortion update. Animal Health Laboratory Newsletter 2000; 4(2):24.
14. Wright RG. Helpful hints for the small animal practice. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Ont. Assoc. of Veterinary Technicians Conference 2000:36-38.
15. Wright RG. Investigating potential plant poisonings and horses. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Ont. Assoc. of Veterinary Technicians Conference 2000:56-57.
16. Wright RG. Lice on horses. Can Vet J. 1999;40:590-591.
17. Wright RG. Medicines and withdrawal times for farmed deer. Proceedings from the Fourth International Wildlife Ranching Symposium, Toronto Ontario, November 1999:77-96.
18. Wright RG, Cation J. The estimation of the size and economic impact of the horse industry in Ontario, Canada. Proceedings of the 15th Equine Nutrition & Physiology Symposium 1997:348-353.
Ontario Government Fact/Information Sheets/Reports
1. Wright RG, Kenney D. The control and management of herpes virus infection in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan. 2009:1-4.
2. Bebbington A, Wright RG. Black locust poisoning in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Sept 2008:1-3.
3. Wright RG, Bebbington A. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Aug 2008:1-4.
4. Wright RG, Bebbington A, Leuty T.. Prunus poisoning in horses and other livestock. OMAFRA Infosheet, July 2008:1-4.
5. Watt B, Wright RG. The importance of colostrum to foals— Colostrum and passive transfer assessment. OMAFRA Infosheet, April 2008:1-3.
6. Wright RG. Economic impact of the Ontario horse industry. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2008:1-13.
7. Wright RG, Kenney D. Your first foal - care and handling of the pregnant mare. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2008:1-5.
8. Wright RG, Jansen J, Leuty T. Yew poisoning in horses and ruminants. OMAFRA Factsheet 07-055, Oct.2007:1-3.
9. Wright RG, Tapscott B. Chronic wasting disease update. OMAFRA Factsheet 07-025, Aug 2007:1-6.
10. Fraser H, Wright RG, Ward D, Wilson M. Manure storages for small- to medium-size horse farms. OMAFRA Factsheet 07-045, Aug 2007:1-8.
11. Wright RG, Freedman D, Rietveld G. Parts of light harness for horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Aug 2007:1.
12. Bebbington A, Wright RG . Bracken-fern poisoning in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, July 2007:1-3.
13. Wright RG, Rietveld G. Selecting your horse. OMAFRA Factsheet 07-033, July 2007:1-4.
14. Bebbington A, Wright RG. Toxicity of equisetum to horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 07-037, July 2007:1-2.
15. Timney B, Wright RG. The visual world of the horse. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2007: 1-3.
16. Wright RG, Stalker M. Rapid and unexpected death in horses: Part A – Toxins. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2007:1-4.
17. Rietveld G, Wright RG. Rodent control in horse stables. OMAFRA Factsheet 07-011, Jan 2007:1-3.
18. Molnar S, Wright RG. Evaluating performance of several horse beddings. OMAFRA Factsheet 06-105, Nov 2006:
19. Wright RG. Horse safety: saddling, bridling & riding western. OMAFRA Factsheet 06-101, Nov 2006:1-5.
20. Wright RG, Leuty T. Red maple leaf poisoning of horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 06-109, Nov 2006:1-4.
21. Wright RG. The effect of vomitoxin (DON) in horse rations. OMAFRA Infosheet, Nov 2006:1.
22. Wright RG. The effect of vomitoxin (DON) on rabbit rations. OMAFRA Infosheet, Nov 2006:1.
23. Wright RG. Round-bale feeder for horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 06-075, Aug 2006:1-4.
24. Wright RG, Ogilvie G, MacNeil S. The use of insecticide-impregnated cattle ear tags on the halters of horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 06-071, Aug 2006:1-4.
25. Wright RG, Leuty T, Kenney D. Black walnut and butternut poisoning of horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Dec 2005:
26. Wright RG, Kenney D. Abortion in horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 05-061, Sept 2005:1-4.
27. Ralston SL, Wright RG. Forage substitutes for horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 05-055, Sept 2005:1-3.
28. Wright RG, Kenney D. Horse medicines - Their use and contraindications. OMAFRA Infosheet, Aug 2005:1-4.
29. Wright RG. Horse housing. OMAFRA Factsheet 05-045, July 2005:1-2.
30. Wright RG, Kenney D. Euthanasia of horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, June 2005:1-5.
31. Wright RG, Kenney D. Equine viral encephalitis. OMAFRA Infosheet, April 2005:1-4.
32. Duncan B, Taylor G, Wright RG. Disease control at racetracks and horse events. OMAFRA Infosheet, March 2005:1-3.
33. Wright RG, Kenney D. Preventing disease spread - personal hygiene and disinfectants around horse barns. OMAFRA Infosheet, March 2005:1-4.
34. Wright RG, Kenney D. Influenza in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2005:1-2.
35. Doris P, Wright RG, Fraser H. Manure management on horse farms. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2005:1-4.
36. Wright RG. Molds, mycotoxins and their effect on horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2005:1-7.
37. Kenney D, Wright RG. Winter hazards- The frozen horse or horsicle. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2005:1-2.
38. Wright RG. Phenylbutazone use in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Dec 2004:1-3.
39. Wright RG. Potomac horse fever. OMAFRA Infosheet, Nov 2004:1-2.
40. Wright RG. Hay, haylage and treated hay for horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Sept 2004:1-3.
41. Wright RG, Kenney D. Guidelines for the vaccination of horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, July 2004:1-4.
42. Wright RG. Slobbers or slaframine poisoning in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, July 2004: 1-2.
43. Wright RG. Using and feeding round bales to horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, June 2004:1-4.
44. Kenney D, Wright RG. Gastric ulcers in the adult horse. OMAFRA Infosheet, May 2004:1-3.
45. Wright RG, Kenney D, Benham J. Common plant poisonings of horses and their investigation. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2004:1-5.
46. Wright RG. Helpful hints for horse enthusiasts. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb. 2004:1-6.
47. Wright RG. Horses and black walnut shavings. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2004:1.
48. Banks S, Wright RG. Weed control in horse pastures. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2004:1-3.
49. Wright RG, Kenney D. Tetanus in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2004:1-2.
50. Wright RG. Management of mud and holes around gateways and high-density areas. OMAFRA Infosheet, Dec 2003:1-2.
51. McClinchey H, Sankey J, Wright RG. Management recommendations for donkeys and mules. OMAFRA Infosheet, Nov 2003:1-3.
52. Wright RG, Rumbeiha WK. Fungal mycotoxins of grain and their potential effect on horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Sept 2003:1-4.
53. Wright RG. Woodcock L, Kenney D. Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM). OMAFRA Infosheet, July 2003:1-4.
54. Wright RG. Sunburn, photosensitivity or contact dermatitis in horses? OMAFRA Infosheet, June 2003: 1-2.
55. Wright RG. Controlling mosquitoes on horse farms and rural properties. OMAFRA Infosheet, May 2003:1-5.
56. Rietveld G, Wright RG. Horse trailering. OMAFRA Infosheet, May 2003:1-4.
57. Prescott J, Wright RG. Strangles in horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 03-037, April 2003:1-4.
58. Wright RG. Waterlines, water bowls and dealing with winter. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2003:1-3.
59. Wright RG. Pasteurella and rabbits. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2003:1-2.
60. Wright RG, Kenney D. Preventing accidental exposure to Regu-Mate® and procedures for safe handling. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2003:1-3.
61. Wright RG. Velveting of deer and xylazine. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2003:1.
62. Wright RG, Gardiner J. Manure management for horse farms. OMAFRA Infosheet, Oct 2002:1-4.
63. Innes P, Wright RG. West Nile virus threat to Ontario horses. OMAFRA Infosheet Sept 2002: 1-2.
64. Wright RG. Horse disease surveillance report – Spring 2002. OMAFRA Infosheet, June 2002:1-3.
65. Leuty T, Wright RG. Trees for horse pastures. OMAFRA Infosheet, May 2002:1-4.
66. Wright RG, Cruz AM, Kenney D. Congenital anomalies and inherited disorders of the horse. OMAFRA Infosheet, March 2002:1-5.
67. Wright RG. Horse—Medication inventory form. OMAFRA, March 2002:1.
68. Wright RG. Botulism in horses and haylage. OMAFRA Infosheet, Oct 2001:1-3.
69. Wright RG. Alsike clover poisoning, photosensitization or photodermatitis in horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, June 2001:1-3.
70. Wright RG, Kenney D. Ergot alkaloid (Ergopeptine) toxicity in horse hay and pasture. OMAFRA Infosheet, May 2001:1-4.
71. Wright RG, Kenney D. Examining the mare’s placenta and keeping foaling records. OMAFRA Infosheet, April 2001:1-3.
72. Cruz AM, Wright RG, Kenney D, Smith-Maxie L. Wobbler syndrome or cervical vertebral stenotic myelopathy. OMAFRA Infosheet, March 2001:1-2.
73. Wright RG, Jansen J. Rabies and horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2001:1-5.
74. Wright RG. The perils of winter – Dealing with ice, no water, and frozen ground. OMAFRA Infosheet, Jan 2001: 1-2.
75. Wright RG. Horse disease surveillance report – Fall 2000. OMAFRA Infosheet, Dec 2000:1-2.
76. Wright RG. Biosecurity for horse farms. OMAFRA Factsheet 00-91, Nov 2000:1-4.
77. Wright RG, Kenney D. Human health concerns when working with medications around horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 00-063, July 2000: 1-2.
78. Wright RG. Leptospirosis and equine recurrent uveitis in horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 00-065, July 2000:1-2.
79. Wright RG, Boure L. Cryptorchidism in the horse. OMAFRA Infosheet, June 2000:1-3.
80. Wright RG, Kenney D. Foaling and predicting foaling time. OMAFRA Infosheet, March 2000:1-3.
81. Wright RG. Parasites and deer. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 2000;1-6.
82. Wright RG. Withdrawal times for medicines used in deer. OMAFRA Infosheet, Dec 1999:1-3.
83. Wright RG. Nature’s and man’s genetic engineering of the horse. OMAFRA Infosheet, Nov. 1999:1-4.
84. Wright RG. Horse disease surveillance report – Fall 1999. OMAFRA Infosheet, Oct 1999:1-4.
85. Wright RG. Hay for horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Sept 1999:1-4.
86. Wright RG. Equine digestive tract structure and function. OMAFRA Infosheet, Aug 1999: 1-3.
87. Martin PE, Wright RG. Farm layout for deer and elk. OMAFRA Factsheet 99-017, June 1999:1-4.
88. Wright RG. Research abstracts - proceedings of the Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium, June 1999. OMAFRA Infosheet, June 1999:1-2.
89. Wright RG. Age of a horse. OMAFRA Infosheet, March 1999:1-2.
90. Wright RG. Lice on horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 1999:1-2.
91. Wright RG. The history of horse brasses. OMAFRA Infosheet, Feb 1999:1-2.
92. Wright RG. Rietveld G, Lawlis P. Body weight estimation of horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 98-093, Jan 1999 1-5.
93. Wright RG. Artificial lighting for mares. OMAFRA Infosheet, Dec 1998:1-2.
94. Wright RG, Rietveld G, Lawlis P. Body condition scoring of horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 98-101, Dec 1998 1-5.
95. Wright RG. The parts of a horse. OMAFRA Infosheet, Nov 1998:1.
96. Wright RG. Water quality for horses - Understanding bacterial counts. OMAFRA Infosheet, Sept 1998:1-2.
97. Wright RG. “V” hay and grain feeder for three horses. OMAFRA Infosheet, May 1998:1-2.
98. Wright RG. Fence line horse feeder for grain and minerals. OMAFRA Infosheet, April 1998:1.
99. Wright RG. Managing horse pastures. OMAFRA Infosheet, March 1998: 1-2.
100. Martin PE, Wright RG. Fencing for deer and elk. OMAFRA Factsheet 97-027, Oct 1997:1-6.
101. Wright RG, Cation J. 1996 Ontario Horse Industry Report. OMAFRA publication, 1996:1-36.
102. Kidd A, Winchell W, Burwash L. Horse Handling Facilities. Wright RG, ed., OMAFRA publication 1990:1-48
103. Prescott J, Wright RG. Rhodococcus equi pneumonia of foals. OMAFRA Factsheet 90-056, Feb 1990:1-4.
104. Wright RG. Equine infectious anemia (Swamp Fever). OMAFRA Factsheet 89-114, May 1989:1-4.
105. Wright RG. Splints and fractures of the splint bone in horses. OMAFRA Factsheet 89-093, May 1989:1-4.
106. Wright RG. Horse management—Care of your horse’s feet— Part 1. OMAFRA Factsheet 88-073, March 1988:1-4.
107. Wright RG. Horse management—Care of your horse’s feet— Part II. OMAFRA Factsheet 88-074, March 1988:1-4.
108. Wright RG. Horse management—Anatomy and physiology of reproduction in the mare. OMAFRA Factsheet
88-060, Feb 1988:1-4.
109. Wright RG. Horse management—Anatomy and physiology of reproduction in the stallion. OMAFRA Factsheet
88-061, Feb 1988:1-4.
Ceptor Animal Health News Publication
Wright RG, Wray S. Contagious equine metritis investigation update. Ceptor March 2009:4.
Bebbington A, Wright RG. Pyrrolizidine alkaloid poisoning in horses. Ceptor Sept 2008:10-11.
Wright RG. What’s all that scratching about? Ceptor March 2008:15-16.
Wright RG. Nutrition and nutrient requirements of horses. Ceptor March 2008:16.
Bebbington A, Wright RG. Toxicity of equisetum to horses. Ceptor June 2007:7.
Wright RG, Tapscott B. Chronic wasting disease of cervids. Ceptor June 2007:19-20.
Wright RG, Stalker M. Rapid and unexpected death in horses – Toxins. Ceptor March 2007:11-13.
Timney B, Wright RG. The visual world of the horse. Ceptor March 2007:13-15.
Wright RG, Tapscott B. Chronic wasting disease and the Ontario 2006-2007 surveillance project. Ceptor April 2006:5.
Wright RG. Slobbers or slaframine poisoning in horses. Ceptor August 2004:10-11.
Wright RG. Encephalitis surveillance summary - year 2003. Ceptor March 2004:12-14.
Wright RG, Innes P. Surveillance and reporting of WNv cases. Ceptor March 2004:14-15.
Innes P, Wright RG. West Nile virus surveillance for 2003, Ceptor July 2003:11-12.
Wright RG. Chronic wasting disease update to September 15, 2002, Ceptor Sept 2002:14-16.
Wright RG. Horse medicines – Their use and contraindications. Ceptor Sept 2002:17-19.
Wright RG. Botulism and horses. Ceptor Jan 2002:8.
Wright RG. Chronic wasting disease training. Ceptor Jan 2002:9.
Wright RG. Mini-review of photosensitivity in horses. Ceptor Jan 2002:13-14.
Wright RG. Case report: Clover and photosensitization. Ceptor Jan 2002:14-15
Wright RG. Chronic wasting disease in cervids. Ceptor Sept 2001:3-4.
Wright RG, Innes P. Equine arboviral encephalitides: Renewed risk in 2001. Sept 2001:19.
Wright RG. Mare reproductive loss syndrome in Kentucky and Ohio. Ceptor June 2001:3-4.
Wright RG. Examination of the mare’s placenta. Ceptor March 2001:17-19.
Wright RG. Placental edema of mares and endophytic fungi of grasses. Ceptor Dec 2000:9-10.
Wright RG. Leptospira isolated from eyes of horses with uveitis. Ceptor March 2000:4.
Wright RG. Withdrawal times for medicines used in deer. Ceptor Dec 1999:8-9.
Wright RG. Erosive stomatitis revisited. Ceptor Oct 1999:9.
Wright RG. Leptospirosis and equine recurrent uveitis. Ceptor Oct 1999:10
Wright RG. Pasteurella and rabbits. Ceptor Oct 1999:11
Wright RG. Erosive stomatitis. Ceptor June 1999: 5-6.