Dr. Wright is available for giving seminars on a fee-for-service basis. Most presentation are one-hour long with more complex subjects broken into two presentations. Presentations are continually being modified, updated, and tailored to the needs of the audience. Send me an e-mail if you are interested in hosting a seminar.
Hands-on demonstrations are always popular as seen below in a dental demonstration at the Royal Winter Fair.
Seminars/Presentations Available in Person
Body Condition Scoring and Weight Estimation - lecture and demo
Economic Impact of the Horse Industry and Growth Opportunities
Hay for Horses - lecture and demo
Helpful Hints for the Horse Owner - Practical Solutions to Everyday Problems
Horse Herd Health - Biosecurity
Horse News and Views - Research and Recent Events that Impact on the Canadian Horse Industry
Human Health Concerns When Working with Horses and Horse Medicines
The Horse Owner’s Guide to Poisonings, Common Poisonous Plants and Trees, and Nuisance
Weeds - The Art of Looking
Maintaining Good Horse Health (nutrition, parasites, vaccines etc.)
Molds, Mycotoxins and their Effect On Horses
Nutrition in Horses and Ration Evaluation - an interactive workshop
Nutrition - Discussion Panel (with examples) - involves industry feed representatives
Potential Environmental Impacts of Horses and Horse Farms
Understanding Parasites: Their Control and Monitoring
Equine Encephalitis, Surveillance and Prevention - West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis
Withdrawal Times and Working with Horse Medicine
Investigating Plant Poisoning - The Art of Seeing